Friday, February 24, 2012

Some of the symptoms associated with emphysema

Emphysema Chronic respiratory disease that causes the steady destruction of the lungs. A person experiencing severe difficulty breathing as the disease progresses. A man suffering from severe shortness of breath, and it causes great discomfort. It becomes very difficult for such people to breathe freely, as the alveoli negative impact of the disease. They are very inflated and can not return to their normal size. So, inhale and exhale air becomes very difficult because the lungs gradually lose their elasticity. Some of the symptoms associated with emphysema is

shortness of breath, pain, shortness of breath, coughing and chest. These symptoms increase as the disease progresses. Emphysema of the lungs not treated in most cases. However, drugs can be prescribed to prevent the spread of the disease.

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It is very important to seek urgent medical attention if you notice symptoms of this condition. If it is considered at an early stage, a person can get great relief with medication. There are several reasons >> << emphysema. If people are careful, they can keep their lungs free from this serious illness. Common causes of emphysema constant smoking is a major cause of emphysema. Those who smoke cigarettes with a higher risk of suffering from this condition than others. Smoking damages the delicate parts of the lungs. Alveoli are also damaged as a result of this, and they can not expand and contract as before. This leads to a condition emphysema. Thin airways also affected due to smoking. They are very narrow, and air can not pass smoothly through them. Thus, the breathing becomes very difficult task for the victim. One of the best ways to stay away from emphysema is. It makes your lungs healthy and allow them to function effectively. They can expand and shrink fine, and the person is able to breathe freely. See also Air Pollution Continuous exposure to polluted air can cause problems emphysema. This is because contaminants present in the air providing a devastating effect on the alveoli. Contaminants makes them lose their elasticity, they become unable to function properly lasix 40 meq. Airways and clogged with dust and the person it is very difficult to breathe.

Symptoms of wheezing and cough resulting from the presence of such irritating to the respiratory system. We must try to be in an environment that are free from these contaminants. This environment is good for health of your lungs. Aging Another reason is the aging of emphysema. It is a natural process and can not be stopped in any case. However, it is important to note that emphysema is not affected at all aging people. There are only a few people who suffered from the disease as they get older. This is because light summer people can not work as efficiently as before. Some other respiratory diseases may occur, which can result in emphysema in the coming years. .

1 comment:

  1. I was diagnose of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 2 years ago, my family doctor told me there is no cure but it can only be controled. Ever since then i have been running heather scepter looking for a solution to my problem because i was going to lose my Job if i dont get better, until i ran into this online testimony of Mrs Stacey who have been cured of COPD by this herbal clinic in Johannesburg (Ejiro Herbal Clinic), i immediately contacted them via their email (, to God be thy glory i bought this COPD herbal remedy and was cured within 3 weeks of usage, at last this is a break through for all COPD patients contact this herbal clinic via their email or call +27617403481
