Friday, February 24, 2012

Thymus (from hulor, tumos, greek for ...

There are two groups of the immune system. Primary ( central) - bodies where immature secondary (peripheral) - tissues where the antigen is localized, so that it can be effectively exposed to mature MALT (M-ucosal ssociated L ymphoid T GALT (Gut - ssociated L ymphoid T BALT (B ronchial/Tracheal- ssociated L ymphoid T NALT (N OSE-ssociated L ymphoid T VALT (V-ulvovaginal ssociated L ymphoid T Note: Some sources place the appendix, small patches patches intestines, tonsils and adenoids in GALT [thymus (from hulor, tumos, Greek warty node) is the site of maturation of T cells T-lymphocytes become immunocompetent here .. that is, they develop their ability to establish effective immune response against foreign invaders, not to attack the host's own tissues. thymus is located just above the heart and mediastinum. It is the largest in childhood and he begins to significantly decline with age. body itself consists of two parts and each part contains many particles that are separated from each other connective partitions known as trabeculae. Each particle is divided into inner brain (with a few immature thymocytes) and outer cortex (with many immature thymocytes). In the thymus, various T-cell (made by means of somatic genetic mutations, see. below) subject to MOE / Ag and MOE / self-Ag. If they do

does not respond to MOE / Ag, they will be destroyed due to their cheap lasix inefficiency (

positive selection). On the other hand, if they

respond to MOE / independent AG, they will be destroyed to stop them from turning into treacherous autoimmune reactions against their own body tissues (

negative selection). Only 1 of 20 immature thymocytes pass successfully through this review process and to become functional T cells dendritic cells, macrophages, and epithelial cells are interspersed throughout both cerebral cortex and, .. special epithelial cells surrounding the nurse clusters thymocytes in the cortex myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease where the body creates antibodies against the acetylcholine receptors at postsynaptic neuromuscular connections in 25% of MG cases, the tumor of the thymus (Tim). exact causes of tumors known also remove Tim. will stop the progress of the disease, it deserves further study as antibodies released from plasma cells, but not T cells, but cells of T-helpers can oposeredkovuvaty DiGeorge syndrome is an autoimmune congenital absence of thymus, and reason increase in infections and. depression of the immune system (especially cell response is delayed in the absence of thymus). [bone marrow (medulla ossea) is the site of maturation of B cells in mice and humans. B cells undergo both positive and negative selection, similar to the maturation of T cells in the thymus. bone marrow hematopoiesis is also the place, develop a set of blood cells from progenitor cells. site of maturation of B cells in birds is a bag Fabrytsiusa then called lymphocytes. tissue bone marrow, where white blood cells, erythrocytes, platelets and development (eg, site of hematopoiesis), called myeloid tissue. Leukemia is cancer of the bone marrow, causing abnormal production of leukocytes (white blood cells). Acute leukemia is the biggest killer of children in the U.S., it is the result of proliferation of immature white blood cells in the bone marrow, slowing the production of functional leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets chronic leukemia are growths of mature (but abnormal) of leukocytes in the bone marrow .. lymphocytic leukemia is the proliferation of lymphoid cells (T lymphocytes, B cells, natural killer cells, dendritic cells). myeloid myeloid leukemia cell proliferation (all types of blood cells that are not made of lymphocytic myeloid stem cell precursors.) [extracellular fluids of capillary beds in fabrics, this fabric is part of the lymph capillaries, which are "pumped" with the movement of skeletal meat muscles to lymph nodes parakortykalna field units containing T cells, and inner-city areas

. germinal centers where B cells are. APC and antigens are transferred from tissues to lymph, ultimately lymph nodes, where they can experience impact populations of T and B cells. This allows faster response because many combinations of T-and B-cell features can be in several places throughout the body (lymph nodes), rather than relying on a random session antigen and lymphocytes in the tissues themselves . [spleen acts as a place of blood in the second and third trimester of development, the long bones fully developed. In adults, the spleen serves as a platform for the breakdown of red blood cells die (life 120 days). For this reason, enlargement of the spleen ( splenomegaly) can occur in sickle cell anemia or certain infections. white pulp around arterioles entry points in the spleen, where lymphocytes reside and degraded. central red pulp of the site of breakdown of red blood cells. white pulp region has a central portion of T cells living in

PALS or PeriArteriolar lymphoid

shell and ring in the cell (or corona) surrounding the PALS |. | | |.

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